Internet of Things
A series of mechanical installations based on 19th century machines, presenting internet culture content in a manner that emphasizes the value inherent in physical, real-world experiences.
For most of us, our everyday lives revolve around the digital world. We tend to view this world as sophisticated, as compared to the analogue world which is usually viewed as more simple. However, while the digital world's sophistication remains cold and distant, lacking any tactile presence, the analogue world can evoke our deepest senses of wonder and delight. These are born of our sense of connection with the physical world that surrounds us.
Internet of Things seeks to awaken that same sense of wonder and delight, in a manner that emphasizes the value inherent in physical, real-world expereinces over digital experiences. The project translates iconic internet culture assets into analogue techniques and mechanisms from the 19th century. The works lead viewers to reflect on the differences in how they experience content in different physical contexts, and consider what may have been lost in the transition from an analogue world to a digital one.
Project collaborators:
Design and fabrication: Itamar Conforti
Woodworking: Tom Attias
Illustration: Ron Levin
Animation: Yael Ozsinay and Nadia Dubijansky
Piano: Martin Leung (The Video Game Pianist)
Sound: Ori Kadishay (Mazkeka Studios)
Vinyl: 16kHz Record Pressing

The project includes several coin-operated, mechanical kinetoscopes, displaying hand-drawn renditions of Facebook feeds.

Kinetoscope - detail
Detail of animation viewed inside the kinetoscope machine.

Keyboard cat phenakistoscope
The project includes several phenakistoscopes, displaying hand-drawn renditions of internet cats.
Vinyl record
The project includes a record player, playing a rendition of the Nyan Cat theme played by The Video Game Pianist.

Trial installation
The project was partially set up in Hamekarer Gallery in Tel Aviv to gauge audience interaction in preparation for its inaugural exhibition (upcoming).

Kinetoscope card reel
Several card reels were made with animated Facebook feeds.

Phenakistoscope discs
Three of four phenakistoscope discs with gifs of famous internet cats.